Why Do I Feel Empty Despite My Success?
Our culture does a fantastic job of convincing us that external validation—status, money, promotions—is the key to happiness, but here's the thing: no amount of external achievement can fill a gap created by internal misalignment. True fulfillment, genuine happiness, and lasting peace come from aligning with who you genuinely are, what you deeply value, and what truly matters to you.

Authentic Transformation & the whole self: insights from A teenage Diesel Mechanic
Throughout the episode, Daniel and Lyssa delve into the interplay between our true self and the learned identities imposed by cultural norms. They discuss the importance of shedding old belief systems to reconnect with the authentic self.

The myth of the high-performer
“There may be initial gains in efficiencies, productivity and profit,” he admits. “That’s the first problem. Or I should say, the real first problem: the expectation that these gains are the mere beginning of an infinite upward spiral. That fallacy fuels every next stage of the fall. - excerpt from article…

The Universe Doesn’t Give a Damn Who’s President (So Why Should You?)
Let's get real for a minute. You've probably spent way too much time lately stressing over who's running the country and how it's all going to hell in a handbasket. But here's the truth bomb: the universe doesn't give a flying fuck who's president.

The #1 Mindset Shift You Need to Manifest Faster: STOP WANting it to happen
Are your manifestations taking longer than expected? You visualize, affirm, and set intentions, but the results seem to be dragging? The issue isn’t with the Universe—it’s with your state of being.
Many people approach manifestation with the mindset of wanting something to happen. But here’s the shift that changes everything:
What is the #1 mindset shift to manifest faster? Find out in the article.

Are You Manifesting Backwards? How to Shift from Resistance to Flow
Have you ever felt like you’re doing everything right—setting intentions, visualizing, repeating affirmations—but your manifestations just aren’t happening? You might be manifesting backwards—focusing on what’s missing instead of aligning with what you desire.

What Happens When You Stop Chasing and Start Allowing?
What if the real power in manifesting isn’t in chasing, but in allowing? The more we try to control, the more we create resistance. True alignment happens when we shift from force to flow, from pushing to trusting. Learn how surrendering doesn’t mean giving up—it means creating space for the Universe to work in your favor.

The Science of Manifesting: What Quantum Physics and Neuroscience Reveal About Your Reality
Explore how quantum physics and neuroscience explain the science of manifesting and learn how to apply these principles to shape your reality.

Manifesting for Leaders: How Intuition Shapes Your Reality
Effective leadership transcends traditional management skills; it embraces both intuition and manifestation. By tapping into your intuitive abilities, you can align your actions with your deepest intentions, leading to unparalleled success.

The Universal Law of Vibration: Why You Keep Attracting the Same Problems
Have you ever noticed recurring patterns in your life— in relationships, finances, or personal growth? These repeated challenges aren't small coincidences; they're outward manifestations of your internal vibrational frequency.

The Hidden Trap in Goal-Setting They Don’t Want You to Know About
What is the secret to successful goal setting that they don’t want you to know? Do you know how to take action when you don’t know what you want? This article gives you all the answers.

REdiscovering your true self - With Dr. Kiki Ramsey
Why do people feel frustrated in life? Probably because they’re NOT living to their truths, but instead living by default - living how others or culture tells them to be, what to do, etc…
Dr. Kiki Ramsey and I discuss how to take your power back and live in alignment with your true self.

‘Leader as a Coach’ is a Lie
Leaders can’t fully be coaches, but they can utilize coaching skills when engaging and motivating their reports.

Simple steps to add more adventure to your life
Adding adventure to your life isn't just about seeking a momentary thrill, it's about creating lasting change in your being and how you sense what is possible for you to achieve.
Adventures help us face our greatest fears, and also provide opportunities for us to build resilience and a growth mindset. They also provide novelty beyond the same-old-same-old, boring life.

The Leader as a Whole Person, Not as a Role
Leaders sometimes view their role as their identity, which can cause crisis when their job ends. Viewing their role as their life also is only a small representation of who they are as a whole person.

Live your ideal life by disbelieving in your self
When you begin to believe in living your ideal life, you may also need to suspend your disbelief in your ability to live it.

Your intention creates your outcome
You are always creating your life. Your life right now is a result of your intentions, conscious or unconscious, and your commitments.
You can create your ideal life with conscious, intentional focus.

How Personal Development is like Pizza Dough
Life is like making pizza. Except in life you are both the chef and the dough. Understanding how they can work together is important to creating and living your ideal life.

Coaching The Conflicting Energies of Resignation
When leaders feel struck in their circumstances, and feel powerless, it’s easy for them to feel resigned to their fate. But resignation can also be a powerful boundary declaration for elite leaders: Say NO to that which no longer serves you.

Hypnosis for Self-Improvement, The KTLA Interview
September is National Self-Improvement Month! Hynpnosis is a powerful tool for creating new mindsets and promoting peace and well-being. In his interview on KTLA WeekendAM, Daniel discusses self-hypnosis and the shortest meditation in the world.