professional speaking:
Bringing insight and Motivation
Harness the Power of Story to Shift Your Organization
Daniel was personable, funny, and inspiring! He did a great job of making us all feel comfortable right away with turning inward, to look at and conquer our own roadblocks to creativity and flow.
My favorite quote: "Everything around us – from the walls of your house to the books you read – was imagined before it was created." I will remember that any time I feel stuck or intimidated by what I need to create.
~ Karla Olson, Publishers and Writers, San Diego
“Awesome presentation!”
“What a refreshing blast of energy!”
~ Audience Feedback, SHRM INCLUSION2024
Deep Listening: How to hear beyond assumptions & biases
"We've always done it this way" is the equivalent of "I'd do it this way, so you should too." These fixed-perspectives do not allow for fresh ideas to be heard from new voices, and keep individuals and organizations stuck in cycles of navigating what is through perceptions of what used to be.
Awareness is the first level of change. Once an HR professional becomes aware of the assumptions and biases they have been holding, and how these elements have been affecting how they are showing up in conversations, they have the opportunity to challenge their preconceived ideas and allow for greater curiosity & collaboration.
Curious listening, beyond assumptions and biases, will help uncover more information for the ultimate decision.
When we try to solve issues from what we think we know, we're not creating new awareness and opportunities. Embracing a growth mindset of curiosity beyond judgement enables collaborative problem solving.
Learning Objectives:
1. How professionals can notice when their assumptions and biases might be engaged, and how to hit the Pause button.
2. How leaders can become curious about what they DON'T KNOW in a given situation and leverage questions for collaborative communication.
3. Discernment is different than judgement - how to notice something in conversation without being triggered or glimmered by it.
4. How everyone can embody a coaching mindset to honor the collective wisdom of in the room, so that more voices can be included/considered in the final decision.
In this powerful presentation, Daniel helps leaders to connect to the inner wisdom that is very much part of them, but they’ve forgotten.
Powerful leaders pause in the whirlwind of crises so they can make informed choices.
This presentation includes two guided immersive experiences to give participants a clear understanding of their how they choose from trust or fear when they have to make a decision, and how to tune into their intuition to create “Yes and No” reference points from which to make difficult decisions in the future.
After this presentation, you and your team will be have vastly improved decision-making skills to directly impact & improve your communication, results, and bottom-line.
(re)discovering your inner wisdom: How to Overcome Fear and Trust Your Intuition
Intuition does NOT mean spooky-woo-woo. It is very much a natural part of the human experience.
Sadly, it is one that tends to be forgotten or ignored in the current world.
As Malcolm Gladwell writes in Blink, intuition is the knowledge that we tend to ignore when we’re under stress, feeling like we need to make a decision NOW, and generally overwhelmed.
Snap decisions in these moments are typically useless wastes of time that we later regret.
inform, empower, transcend
Your Intention Creates Your Outcome:
How to stop Sabotaging Your success
In this presentation, Daniel discusses how our dreams and visions for the life we wish to create help us to consciously define a targeted outcome, yet what if inside of us there lurks a more powerful aspect of ourselves that has different intentions for how it wants us to live our life?
He will help participants to both clarify their conscious intentions for successful forward achievement and offer ideas for how they can explore deeper within themselves to uncover how they might derail themselves before reaching the finish line.
This presentation is particularly powerful for executives, leaders, and their teams to uncover deeper connection and communication with themselves and others.
Awareness is the first level of change. Are you ready to understand yourself better?
There are no accidents
in the Universe
Have you ever felt like you didn’t belong?
You are here for a purpose.
Listen to this inspiring message based on Daniel’s personal challenges and know that your life is not an accident.