Building better leaders through self-awareness
leaders create leaders
by modeling the way
True leaders are driven to empower the next generation of leadership. That requires a level of self-awareness that embraces empathy, decision-making, coaching, direction, and goal-setting.
Using your Leadership Practices Inventory® (LPI) as a baseline, we’ll explore how others experience you as a leader, as well as your own thoughts on how you lead.
Ultimately, how you show up in your role as a leader is based on your internal sense of self. Through the reflective lens of this assessment, we’ll dive deep into not only how you are performing, but more importantly the beliefs that are driving those behaviors.
That’s where real and lasting change begins, and where my approach to coaching individuals to understand themselves creates powerful transformation.
What is the LPI®?
The Leadership Practices Inventory is a 30-question assessment focused on the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership developed by James Kouzes and Barry Pozner.
What are the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership®?
Model the Way
Inspire a Shared Vision
Challenge the Process
Enable Others to Act
Encourage the Heart
Why choose the lpi as an assessment?
The LPI is a proven assessment with over 30 years of application and research supporting its efficacy. More than 5 million leaders have used the LPI to improve their presence, skills, and communication.
What is different about my approach to coaching and the LPI?
At the end of the day, any assessment is a snapshot in time that captures who you are in that moment.
Whether you choose the3-Month Foundation, the 6-Month Incubator or the 12-Month Accelerator, we’ll start with a baseline LPI to see where you are currently.
Setting goals together for where you want to be at the end of the program, we’ll begin exploring and building new actions to create the changes you wish to embody as your new leadership style.
Toward the end of our time together, we’ll take another snapshot to showcase your progress.
I love the LPI because it uses a 360° approach that captures how others are experiencing you as well as your sense of self. With that data, we can explore who you are and how you are leading in a more holistic way than just finding ways to do things differently.
Changing behaviors is a mechanical and transactional approach. It works, but a transformational approach that address your inner sense of self creates lasting change.
Your beliefs of who you are and how you should act as a leader drive how you actually perform in your role. Understanding the ideas behind why you are doing certain things will create more personal ownership in the changes and make the process of change more efficient and enjoyable.
leadership development foundation
Includes: ONE (1) LPI assessment
6 sessions – 2 per month @ 45 minutes each (4.5 hours total)
Investment: $2,997
leadership development incubator
Includes: TWO (2) LPI assessments
(1 at start, 1 at end)
12 sessions – 2 per month @ 45 minutes each (9 hours total)
Investment: $6,997
leadership development accelerator
Includes: THREE (3) LPI assessments
(1 at start, 1 at 6 months, 1 at end)
24 sessions – 2 per month @ 45 minutes each (18 hours total)
Investment: $13,997