The Leader as a Whole Person, Not as a Role
Who are the parts of you?
When we take on the role of 'leader,' whether that's as a parent, a mentor, a manager, or any other place where we are in a place of providing support and guidance, it can be easy for that role to become our identity. Sometimes it will feel like our WHOLE identity.
But your role is not ALL of who you are, it's merely one facet, a small part of you.
I remember the first time I was introduced to this idea was back in the early 90s going through Sandler Sales Training and the suggestion from them not to answer the question, "What do you do?" with "I am a sales rep for Company Z."
Sales rep is the role. "I am" statements are a declaration of being. By saying, "I am a sales rep (or insert any role here, even CEO, VP, Manager, Parent) you are actually declaring your whole being with a label that is a fraction of yourself.
That level of self-identification is why so many leaders go through moments of existential crisis after a job change or retirement, as their identity was based on what they used to do that they forgot who they actually are.
You are each multi-faceted human beings, with many, many internal parts playing roles in how you live your life. Consider this idea the next time you feel torn in a decision and say something like, "Well part of me wants to do this, and part of me wants to do that."
My invitation to you is to get to know your parts, from the quintessential inner child, to the driven, dedicated leader and adult. Notice how they all can play a part in how you show up in your role as leader - some are helpful, others, well, ehhhh, not so much.
To add a layer of metaphor to this: If you discover you are making "I am" statements around your role you are viewing only one facet of yourself.
There's a reason diamonds sparkle - it's because their facets work together as a whole to reflect and refract light.
Be a diamond.
What does this idea bring up for you?
Who could you be as a leader if you were operating as your whole self?
I’d love to hear your thoughts. Please click here to send me a message.