Soul Purpose Retreat, Peru
In the high quiet air of the Andes, you can hear your purpose calling to you clearly.
Listen to it. Understand it.
Unleash it.
Live it.
The adventure returns: August 6-12, 2023

understanding your self through uncovering your patterns
There are unconscious patterns that affect all of our lives.
These patterns influence how we work, how we show up in our relationships, and how we treat ourselves.
Some of these ideas may be helping us to achieve greater things, and others can be getting in our way, seemingly holding us back from becoming successful, or derailing us when we feel like we’ve ‘made it’.
These patterns influence the thoughts and voices in our head; our internal self-talk.
Once they are brought to conscious awareness, you have the opportunity to create a new relationship with them, releasing them and choosing to live a new, more fulfilling, empowered and aware life.

“This retreat is EXACTLY what I needed and I didn't grasp the full extent of that until after I returned home and began to use what I had unlocked inside myself.”
~ Kristie McKinley

Be present. listen.
What did Peru do for me?
The Sacred Valley inspired me.
From the peacefulness of the mountains, to the loving kindness of the Incan communities, to the deep spiritual presence of the shamans, Peru helped me to remember what it is to connect to Being.
Prior to my first trip in 2020, I was stuck being a Human Doing…one thing after another; the next deadline; the next meeting; find time for this; make time for that; get it all done, or else…
I was happy, but success wasn’t bringing happiness…it seemed like there was just more to do to maintain it.
Then I went to Peru.
December 2020 – A new perspective.
During, and after, the first Soul Purpose retreat, I saw myself differently.
I shifted from worrying about the next thing…the next client, the next bill, the next program, the next thing to be created…next, next, next…to being, truly BEING, in the present moment.
There is nothing else than this moment right here.
I learned that the hard way one morning as I ran toward my room, forgetting that I was running at 10,000 feet of elevation, not at sea level where I lived.
I was gasping for breath at the end of that brief sprint.
That moment brought me to full awareness of presence. There was nothing for me beyond my breath.
Without this breath, there may not be another. That is a sobering realization.
Beyond my present breath, nothing in the future will exist; none of my worries, none of my creations.
That is the power of the now.
From this moment, here and now, I create.
I’ve created this retreat to help you reconnect to your soul and your true inner wisdom.
What could you create when you stop worrying about outcomes, when you stop concerning yourself with things out of your control (like the opinions of others), and when you put your true being first?
Are you ready to commit to discovery and creation?
If you are, click the button below.
Our questions to ourselves hold our answers.
Are you looking to fulfill your greatest dreams in life?
Is Peru on your bucket list?
Do you feel like you are your own worst enemy when it comes to creating success?
When you think about your dreams, do you have thoughts that dismiss them?
If you answered “Yes” to these questions, What do you need to say “Yes” to yourself and your happiness?
What can Peru do for you?
As with anything in life, it can do for you what you allow it to do.
If you’re feeling stuck or burned-out, and are ready to reconnect with your power, Peru can reignite your flame.
If you’re wondering what your purpose is, and wandering lost in life, Peru can help you rediscover yourself and your truth.
If you’re feeling like you have leveled-out at a plateau of success, Peru can help you launch to the next mountain peak.
Peru will help you to be in the present and connected to your power.
If you are beating yourself up over something in your past, you’re not here in the moment.
If you’re worrying (like the old me) about the future, you’re not here in the moment.
When you are here, and understand what it means to be present, you will open yourself up to all possibilities.
As Bruce D. Schneider wrote in Energy Leadership, “When we transcend fear, what remains is opportunity.”
Let me say it in another way, “It’s time to get over yourself, your fears, and your worries.” They aren’t serving you.
If they were, you would not be feeling so stressed.
Are you ready to leave the stress behind, and to create a new relationship with your fears?
Ultimately, Peru will help you get out of your head, disconnect you from worry, so that you can be truly in the present, connected to your internal well-being, feeling more empowered, clear, and confident.
“my experience with the shamans and with our hosts reminded me of the need to let go of control, let go of the constant doing in my life and connect with what my inner guidance system is telling me.
Upon returning, I have felt connected with my soul’s purpose, and I have been creating from a place of being instead of doing. So grateful for the experience.”
~ Tony Martignetti

And, there’s fun too!
Of course there will be time reserved for exploring the beauty of Peru and the Sacred Valley too!
We’ll visit sites like Urco - a sacred solar calendar building, Chawaytiri - the site of the hieroglyphics shown above, shopping in Cusco, the current town and ancient ruins of Pisac, and of course, Machu Picchu. *
Explore the rotating galleries above to see the magic of this wonderful land.
There is a power in the Sacred Valley that I have not experienced as intensely anywhere else in the world.
It will bring a new intensity to your journey of self-discovery, and help with the integration of all that you learn.
In our visits with the descendants of the Inca, as we immerse ourselves in their rich culture, you’ll connect to a wonderful simplicity of presence. You’ll remember what is really important in your life, and you will hold that memory as you begin to take new actions after the retreat is over.
*(While we will make every effort to visit these sites, and Machu Picchu is a priority, the retreat itinerary may become flexible due to weather or other conditions that are beyond our control. If we are unable to visit one of these locations, another site will be chosen. No refunds will be issued for situations beyond our control.)