building trust through sharing insights
and conversations
Daniel Discusses Self-Hypnosis on KTLA Weekend AM as Part of National Self-Care Awareness Month
What a fun discussion!
I always love chatting about what hypnosis really is. (HINT: It’s not chicken dancing and speaking in tongues for an audience.)
It’s a powerful, and typically misunderstood, tool for creating powerful shifts in being, belief, and behavior.
If you’re interested in the Shortest Meditation in the World, stay tuned through the whole segment to join in and create your own!
News 4 , Reno, NV
I had the honor of being interviewed by Janete Weinstein from News 4 in Reno, NV about the booming life coaching industry.
You can watch it here.
If you are curious about becoming a coach, whether it is as a part-time career, as a move to a new career, or as an additional service to what you already offer, vet a number of resources before choosing the training that is right for you.
I am personally partial toward ICF-approved trainings, (particularly Certified Life Coach Institute since I teach for them...that's called transparency. It's part of the ICF code of ethics, btw).
ICF-approved classes offer a standard of competencies and ethics. I'm not saying other trainings don't have value...I'm saying be aware of what you are choosing.
Or, to look at it another way...if you found out the coach you hired chose to be trained at a $49.50 holiday sale offer , would you want to invest your money on someone who did not invest in themselves?
BTW - those deeply-discounted training offerings IMHO are nothing more than cash-grabs from groups who fit my definition of coaching vultures.
(And yes, I just saw one of those offers advertised on my FB feed...90% off holiday sale. Ugh. Not making it up.)
Life coaching is a skill. It's a passion. It is not easy to do correctly, yet it is easy to do correctly...when you know what you're doing.
Commitment creates results. Commit to yourself if you are going to be committed to serving others. -
KTLA Los Angeles
I am honored to be included as part of a feature story by Kacey Montoya at KTLA in Los Angeles on the field of life coaching.
It’s important for us in the field, who honor the client as the authority in their life, to recognize that as an unlicensed field, coaching can get a bad rap (mainly from those who want to give advice or think that they’ll be dime-store therapists - leave therapy to the therapists, please, it’s important work).
Coaching is truly not about any of those things.
And as with any level of mastering a skill, it takes time and commitment.
It’s about serving others and helping them to remember they are whole and have all of the answers and resources inside of them.
It’s my job (our job as coaches) to unlock those resources and release the wisdom of their whole being. -
The Present, Episode 2: Living Large - Stop Living Like a Small and Become a Giant | Women Lead TV
According to USA Today, "Impostor phenomenon…was first observed in a 1978 study of highly accomplished women who felt like 'frauds' in the workplace despite their accomplishments."
Join us on Women Lead TV as Daniel Olexa, your host of The Present, has a conversation with Nicholas Townsend Smith, Author and Co-creator of the 12 Journeys with Mandelbrot LLC.
They'll discuss Nick's journey from feeling (being?) small, to discovering a much more powerful identity of being a Giant, and how that lead to writing his book, The Giants and the Smalls (http://giantsandsmalls.com/) to empower others to discover and embrace their Giant, Abundant Selves.
The Present, Episode 1: The Whole Executive Body, Mind, & Spirit | Women Lead TV
Do you ever feel like there is something big missing in your success ... that it's just not completely fulfilling, yet?
Join us on Women Lead TV as Daniel Olexa, your host of The Present, has a conversation with Bob Russo, Executive Coach of Executive Game Changers (www.execGC.com), on Bob's journey from being a corporate executive to understanding & embracing his spiritual energy as a whole being.
Learn how you can create understanding of the present moment through energetic awareness. How can Bob's style of Executive Coaching integrate spiritual awareness into his clients, and you, for greater effectiveness?
Inspired Being Radio Show - Blooming Sucess
Join host Daniel Olexa as he interviews The Flower Doctor, Jenny Barker of Magical Blooms in Redondo Beach, CA about her incredible path to success; from starting her first business at 18 with waitressing tips, to starring in HBOMax’s Full Blooms Season 2.
Women Lead TV - First Episode
The first of 4 episodes this year!
My show, The Present, on Women Lead TV, is hosted by Connected Women of Influence.Each episode will focus on connecting you with the power of your presence and living powerfully in the present moment.
The past is over. The future is yet to be written. The present is your gift; the space of creation.
I’ll be interviewing coaches, entrepreneurs and individuals facing challenges to dive deeper into their personal awareness to learn how the can solve the problem through a new understanding of themselves. -
Authority Magazine
Why are people in the Western world experiencing such a difficult time feeling satisfied?
Maybe you’re feeling that way. What’s behind it?
In this interview with Drew Gerber from Authority Magazine, I discuss my ideas on both how we’ve arrived at this moment of broad dissatisfaction and how we can break the trend so that we can begin living more satisfied, happy lives both communally and individually. -
If you know me, you know I love Kansas City.
It’s the place where I first really discovered myself, and began walking my path.
This interview with VoyageKC was truly an honor to take part in.
If you want to know what my journey from employee to entrepreneur, from dead to alive, was like, it’s all in here.
Enjoy. -
The Daily Maverick, South Africa
I was recently quoted in South Africa’s Daily Maverick, in an article about life and the day when there is no tomorrow.
That day will come for each of us.
There’s no getting around it: Life is the leading cause of death.
What do you want to do in between those moments?
What do you want your legacy to be? What do you want on your tombstone? -
I loved living in LA and it was so much fun to be featured in VoyageLA as one of their Rising Stars.
It’s been a great journey from where I started, to where I am today, and this article captures so much of my growth and the challenges of my path.
I hope my story inspires you to follow your dreams.