What is a “Trust Catalyst?”
Believe in yourself to manifest the life you deserve. Transcendent Living gives you tool to start trusting yourself.
My identity as The Trust Catalyst was born days before my 57th birthday. You could say it was a rebirth of my higher self as I discovered the freedom of free-falling during a skydive.
You can read about that experience here.
I was recently asked what my title, The Trust Catalyst, means.
For me, it means being a force that creates trust in individuals; a trust that can help them to rise to higher achievements and ways of being.
And for me, it means creating a bit of magic…more on that later.
Let’s examine the words a bit more closely.
Trust. As a verb, the word tends to lean toward belief, even if something is unseen/unproven.
The Cambridge Dictionary offers these definitions:
1. “to believe that someone is good and honest and will not harm you, or that something is safe and reliable (synonym of believe)
2. to hope and expect that something is true (synonym of expect)
When we’ve experienced setbacks in life, it’s easy to stop trusting that things will work out in the end, or that they are working out as they are supposed to (even with the perceived failures that take place).
That’s when we start living normal, boring lives, fitting in with everyone else so that we can enjoy their company is a combined meeting of misery.
The first phase of losing trust is the loss of belief in our ability to create change. As we spiral from one perceived defeat to another, then we lose trust and belief in ourselves.
Those are two different animals of belief.
Our ability to do something is based in our training, experiences, and actions. It’s about doing.
Our belief in ourself is based on outcomes and how we define our worthiness and deservedness to receive good things.
When we’re at our lowest points, it seems like we believe that our lives are SSDD (Same Sh!t, Different Day) and that we deserve nothing more than normal.
We forget that we are special.
We lose our magic.
We lose our belief in ourselves.
Catalyst. Simply put, a catalyst is an agent of change.
Per proper definition in the Cambridge Dictionary:
1. something that makes a chemical reaction happen more quickly without itself being changed
And per Merriam-Webster:
1. an agent that provokes or speeds significant change or action
Both definitions are key in my work.
As the catalyst for trust, I am the agent that speeds change in my clients. Our interactions are designed to help them reach a higher level of awareness and trust in themselves and their worthiness.
And, it is important for me to hold my space of being and allow them to change without me changing. The work and transformation are theirs, not mine. I honor their autonomy and provide the space and energy for their shifts to take place.
That is where the magic happens.
I create powerful energetic shifts for my clients in their beliefs about themselves, their capabilities, and their worthiness.
You have probably heard it said that you get more of what you focus on.
I say, you get more of what you believe you deserve.
It’s an interesting symbiotic relationship…you get more of what you believe you deserve, which validated your perceived worthiness, which delivers more of the same results. It’s a very vicious cycle.
I am the catalyst to break that cycle of negativity and create a new cycle of higher-level reinforcement of your true worth.
In his book, This Thing Called You, Ernest Holmes mentions a statement by God, “Act as though I am, and I will be.”
My work is to create a personal corollary to that statement: “Act as though you are, and you will be.”
Who are you acting as, and what has it delivered to you?
Who do you wish to act as? What results will come when you trust in yourself to live that dream?
Trust in yourself. Believe in your divine, infinite worth and your unlimited potential.
I’m here to energize that version of you into being.
Are you ready to create magic?