Coaching Metaphors: Eggs, Omelets, and Eagles
The biggest mistake that new coaches make is to challenge the client and break them out of their shell quickly.
It’s NOT a coach’s job to provide the client breakthroughs.
It IS a coach’s job to nurture the client to create their own breakthrough.

Live Like Your Parents Are Dead
Stop living by other people’s rules and start writing the story of your life that makes you happy.

Sink or Swim? How Will Your Emotions Affect Your Success in 2020?
Are you going to sink or swim in 2020? Your emotional state will have a powerful impact on that outcome.

How Your Story of Who You Want to Be Will Sabotage You in 2020
Learn how to stop letting who you want to be prevent you from becoming who you can be.

How to Make the Best Decision Every Time
Are you tired of making bad decisions, poor decisions, the wrong decisions? If so, here is your guide for how to make the right choice every time.

Cultural Tribalism and Limiting Beliefs: From Sports to Politics
How do you decide “what someone is worth” when you see a sports contract announced? What limiting belief is behind it?
Learn how you can overcome it and fully embrace your worth.

How to Find Your Purpose in Life
How can you re-discover your passion and purpose in life? How can you life happier and be more fulfilled?
It all starts with understanding what gets you out of bed in the morning.

Obstacles to Your Growth, Part 6: Living in the Past, Dying in the Present
When we live in the past, we are dying in the present. Consumed by fear and/or obligations, we get stuck living according to limiting beliefs that keep us from becoming our ideal self, our highest, purpose-driven self. How can you change your beliefs into empowering ideas that will support your success in the new year of 2019?

Obstacles to Your Growth, Part 5: The Real Reason You Think You Don’t Need a Life Coach
Is your life too comfortable? Is that why you are feeling so stressed-out?

Obstacles to Your Growth - Part 2: How to Release Your David from the Granite of Your Life.
Three art quotes to inspire you to create a masterpiece of your life.

How to Get Up When Life Knocks You Out
Feeling beaten up? Ready to give in? Here are five steps to help you get off the mat in life and start punching back to succeed.

What is the Difference Between Hypnosis and Meditation?
How are hypnosis and meditation different? While there are similarities, the do differ in one key way…

Hypnosis v. Life Coaching: Three Questions to Help You Decide Which is Right for You
Hypnotherapy or Life Coaching? How can you decide which is right for you? Here are three questions to help you make an informed choice.

5 Reasons Why You Do NOT Need Hypnotherapy
Are you committed to your problem, or committed to your solution?
Here are five reasons why you may not need hypnotherapy.

A Pessimist’s Guide #21: The Law of Love
What is the single most important manifesting law to understand? The Law of Love.
Learn how to connect with your birthright of abundance by realizing that you are part of a universe of love.

A Pessimist's Guide to Manifesting 20: The Law of Mentalism
If we live in a universe of unlimited, pure potential, why do we create lives of limitation and lack?
Because we believe false stories about ourselves.

A Pessimist's Guide to Manifesting 19: The Law of Grace
Learning to accept where you are, and the challenges present, with grace and gratitude, leads to achievement.
It's time to break some eggs.

A Pessimist's Guide to Manifesting 18: The Law of Least Effort
When you are feeling stuck, the Law of Least Effort may point the way to creating positive movement toward your ideal outcome.