Transcendent Living

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The Honest Truth About Why You Won’t Succeed in 2021

Hi There!

Welcome to 2021. Thank God 2020 is over…now we can get back to business, get back to living, get back to normal.

Uh, oh, ummmm, hold please…(sounds of shuffling papers, furious typing, search engine noises, local and national news reporters in background)

Hrm. Well, welcome to 2021 anyway. Since we’re here, let’s make the best of it.

It may seem ironic that a coach, a motivational-type person, is stating in this title that you won’t create success this year. I know.

Over the past three weeks (pretty much since December 26), you’ve seen stories about how to write New Year’s Resolutions, how to take charge in the new year, why you CAN succeed…

Yet here you are, at least 15 days into 2021 still planning, maybe regressing, probably saying “Fuck it. There’s always ’22.”

And that’s where you’ll lose.

The funny thing about all those Rah-Rah style messages is that you have to believe them to make anything come of them. Reading them is just the first step. You have to embody them.

What’s going to keep you from getting ahead in ’21? Here are my Top 3 observations.

Number 3: You haven’t set a clear goal

You’re still stumbling around with a vague idea of what you want, saying things like, “I want to be rich,” or “I am so lonely. I want to be in a relationship,” or “I want a new job.”

Blah, blah, blah…

What happens when you make these kinds of statements?

You get what you really don’t want.

You find yourself not receiving the items that would make you feel rich (instead, you tend to sense more lack than abundance).

You find yourself in a weak or one-sided relationship that’s not fulfilling…but hey, at least you’re not alone, Sunshine.

You find yourself downsized, making coffee at Starbucks after being a six-figure manager. Well…you got your wish: Hello new job.

Number 2: You’re giving away your power to things outside of you

It’s easy to complain about the circumstances of our lives as being caused by other people or events (i.e. Thanks COVID!)

But really, it’s all about personal responsibility.

While many lived in fear in 2020, others took action in the worldwide pause created by the pandemic and created something new. They found new ways to create income and be successful. They showed resilience and ingenuity.

The former group? Well, they gave up, rolled over, and waited. Are you still in that group?

NEWSFLASH - Here are 3 things not preventing your success:
a. It ain’t COVID

b. It ain’t Biden or Trump

c. It ain’t “the man”

These things may affect your actions, but you have to take action.

Get out of bed, get off the couch (The Queen’s Gambit will still be there when you get back), and do something toward that clear goal you set above.

And…drumroll please….

The Number 1 thing preventing your success in 2021: You are doing the exact same things that you have done for the past 5 years, or decade

Definition of Insanity: Doing the same things over and over and expecting different results.

The American Lie of Hard Work: If you just work harder and apply yourself, you’ll be successful.

What happens when these two ideas meet?

You wind up working hard, putting in a lot of directionless or misguided effort that results in you digging yourself into a deeper hole.

“More hard Work” does not equal “More Positive Results.”

Yet, here you are…doing the same things again, hoping for a new outcome, or doing nothing (OK, I guess binge-watching Netflix counts as something, but sitting there waiting for a call to become an entertainment critic is probably not a viable way to ignite your career.)

Do different things, take different actions…BE BRAVE.

And that brings me to the ONE thing that can get you out of this malaise, and into action.

You already have it. It’s inside you. I know it is if you’ve read this far. That takes commitment. (Or you’re an Internet troll waiting to find my contact information at the bottom of the post, but still, I applaud your commitment to your passion.)

The one thing that can change your life: COURAGE!!!!!

Just like the Cowardly Lion in The Wizard of Oz, many look for courage outside of themselves. They wait for a medal to externally validate this internal quality.

Are you waiting for the courage to take your first step?

What if you had the courage to declare with clarity what you want to achieve this year? You might actually receive it

What if you tuned into your inner thoughts and allowed yourself the courage to really feel excited about taking action toward that goal? Feel it in your heart.

(I understand if you’ve been heartbroken and disappointed before, and maybe feel a little gun-shy about opening up to risking to hope & dream again. I get it. I’ve been there too. I can tell you with 100% certainty that if you keep your heart walled up in a cage, protected from feeling anything but regret, you’ll just be miserable and imprisoned.)

Once you are ready, be mindful of your actions.

Focused, intentional action wins the day. I don’t care if you blow up your prison or if you dig out a pocketful of dirt at a time like Timothy Robbins in The Shawshank Redemption. Start tearing down those walls.

Find the courage to be free.

Then you will succeed.